Myths for Moms: You don’t need to prepare for birth

Hey friends, I’m coming at ya with the myth of the week! If you want a natural birth, you can’t just show up and wing it. Sure, there might be that unicorn mom who does this and everything goes fine, but for the most part, this is not the case, especially if you want to have a natural birth in a hospital. Start preparing before it’s go time!

Here are some ways you can prepare for a natural birth while pregnant:

  • Research and make a birth plan with things that matter to you and share this with your husband, medical provider, doula, etc. Don’t want anyone to mention the word “epidural” during labor? Want lights to be low and have as few interruptions as possible? Don’t want to be checked for dilation? Make sure all the people on your team have a copy of this so they can work to honor your wishes when it’s game time!

  • Pray and say Christian birth affirmations out loud, long BEFORE you go into labor! This will help you get into the right mindset before birth. Things like, “My body was made to do this,” or “Each wave brings me closer to meeting my baby,” can positively impact your experience when you’re actually going through birth.

  • Practice breathing through contractions—yes, before labor! Four seconds in through your nose and seven seconds out through your mouth. Focusing on breathing this way while you’re actually in labor is a really great distraction when you’re uncomfortable. When baby is ready to come out, focus on breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth with low, deep sounds (making sure your face is relaxed and not holding tension)!

  • Visualizing can be a powerful tool during labor! Some moms like to look at an ultrasound picture of their baby during labor, some moms like to imagine they’re somewhere like the ocean or in the mountains, some moms like to visualize their cervix opening up like a flower, and some moms like to visualize breathing their baby down the birth canal. Think about the things that will be helpful for you to visualize during labor!

  • Like music, nature sounds, affirmations? Make a playlist of the things you want to hear in labor and start listening in your last trimester! Practice breathing to that playlist, and you will have a calm association with it when it’s time for the real thing!

  • Read! There are so many wonderful books on labor, birth, and postpartum (I’ll be sharing my favorites soon)! Fill your mind with positive birth stories and encouraging tips.

  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel loved and supported, throughout your pregnancy and beyond!

    Were any of these tips helpful? Comment below with which one you’re practicing now or what has been your favorite way to prepare for previous births!


*FREE PDF* 20 important questions to ask when interviewing providers for your prenatal care!


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