Debunking Common Birth Myths
Let’s debunk some common birth myths together! 👊
Myth: “Giving birth is going to be awful.”
Truth: So much of your birth experience will actually stem from the mental-physical relationship! 😱 Therefore, if you are only thinking negatively about your upcoming birth, this will directly negatively impact your birth! Your body will have a hard time going through labor if it only senses fear and anxiety! So instead of filling your mind with negative experiences and thoughts, try changing your perspective! Watch natural birth videos (there are TONS on youtube) or read books about natural birth! If you go into your birth expecting a beautiful and empowering outcome, your body will typically progress more easily than if you are stuck in a state of fear!Myth: “I don’t need to prepare for birth.”
Truth: Giving birth is a huge life event! You prepared to graduate from high school, you prepared for your wedding—why wouldn’t you prepare for giving birth?! This might look different for every family, but at the bare minimum, if you are a first time parent, you should take a childbirth education class from someone whose birth philosophy aligns with yours. I also recommend ALL moms (whether it’s your first baby or your tenth) read or listen to books or podcasts about positive birth experiences! This 100% counts as preparing for birth because it’s helping you to get in the right mental place! Check out my free media resource guide HERE for lots of great recommendations! 👍Myth: “All that matters is a healthy mom and baby.”
Truth: While of course the health of mom and baby are key, women are more than just their bodies! Your birth experience will stay with you your whole life…the question is, will it be a positive story or a negative one? And this doesn’t just relate to whether you have a vaginal birth or a c-section! Some women have vaginal births and have trauma and some women have c-sections and felt so supported! In my humble opinion, doulas can play a huge role in this one and the data supports this! Women who have doulas are statistically more likely to say they had a positive birth experience, regardless of what kind of birth they had! Prioritize your mental health and emotional health as well, because these both DO matter, as well as your physical health!
There are so many myths surrounding birth out there, but these are the top three that I see often. Just remember, your birth can be empowering and beautiful! Don’t forget to prepare, in whatever way suits you, and pray for an outcome where you feel supported and loved, every step of the way!